Proven Formula To Filling Your Calendar With Discovery Calls

Tom Jackobs started from scratch with his fitness and wellness business in 2008.  Struggling to keep the doors open, he realized he need to know how to sell better and part of sales was following up with leads so they turn into consultations.

This FREE guide has nothing for sale, It's just Tom revealing how he built his fitness and wellness business by following up with leads and converting them into amazing clients.

Grab the exact process to fill your calendar with ready to buy HOT prospects.

This Free Guide Reveals:

  • The Process Including Exact scripts to get people to call you back so you aren't fumbling over your words.
  • Proven texting hacks that will turn cold leads into Chatty Cathy's eager to speak with you so you can prequalify your leads.
  • Exact sample we use at our call center to book over 1000 calls a month, so you just need to COPY and USE 
  • Convert Leads into sales so you are optimizing your cost per lead. 

Enter your name and email below to get the download instantly.

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FREE  Guide Reveals...

I've put together the most practical approach to follow up of leads in this guide.  This is based on over 40,000 phone calls my team has made to book appointments, confirm attendance at seminars and webinars and sell programs.  It has been tested in some of the most competitive markets.  It will  work for you!

practices who trust us with their calls


Dream Come True!

You've taken an incredible amount of pressure off of me and I didn't have to hire an additional staff member. So you've saved me money there. It's been a game changer and an answer to prayers. I was 2-3 appointments a month and now my calendar is full 3 weeks out!

Sylmara Chatman, MD - Doctor

I had a lot of leads and couldn't keep up with them all by myself

It was stressful and overwhelming just following up with new leads, it wasn't very fun. Not only that it was taking time away from my family. With Business Lead Maximizer the pressure is off of me and I get to talk to the really good leads, and I can focus on patient care and homeschooling my son.

Dr. Alex Swenson-Ridley - Doctor

Literally Overnight, my scheudle was booked for a week

My schedule has been booked 10 days out because of the leads you've booked for me. It's been forever since that has happened. I had a staff member spending 5-6 hours calling webinar leads and our follow up was lacking. Now it's seamless with you guys.

Dr. Dae - Owner

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